Anne Spasojevic-de Bire

Anne Spasojević-de Biré obtained a degree in chemistry at the University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris VI in 1985. Here she went on to complete a PhD on the study of the electron deformation density of some carbyne chromium complexes in 1989. This was followed by a post-doctoral period at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin at the CEA Saclay on the polarised neutron diffraction on some superconductors’ compounds. After this, she got a permanent position at Ecole Centrale Paris as a teaching researcher. She is currently a full professor at the same institution.

Her research activity is mainly based on the experimental determination of the electron and electrostatic properties of molecules of pharmaceutical interest. The high resolution Xray diffraction on single crystal method used in her research enables a better understanding of the interaction drug – biological target or drug – excipient. The different classes of compounds studied are AINS (aspirin), anti-leucemic agent (busulfan, cephalotaxine). From a chemical point of view, she has concentrated her efforts on thiosemicarbazide complexes and polyoxovanadates compounds.

For a few years, she has developed a new nucleation method induced by polarised laser (NPLIN) leading to a crystallization control (polymorphims and crystaline quality). This method is supported through an ANR project between four French laboratories which she coordinates (490 000 €). She has published 41 papers in international journals (Inorganic Chemistry, Crystal Growth; Journal of Physical Chemistry). She has participated in over 100 international conferences. Her papers have been cited more than 500 times leading to an h-factor of 13. She is the supervisor of four PhD students. She is scientifically responsible for ECP in the CHARMMMAT Labex.

Her teaching activity at Ecole Centrale Paris (one of the best engineering curricula in France) is mainly focused on the development of new pedagogical methods dedicated to developing students’ skills in project methodology (team work, problem solving, project management) and to the development of personal skills (communication, leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship, coaching). She is currently co-responsible for project activity at ECP (including a seminar of 3.5 days, 10×7 conferences of 1h30, 100 projects, 40 company clients, a team of 15 teachers and over 500 first year students).

She has developed a delocalized master’s degree in industrial engineering in Belgrade (Serbia) and she was responsible for the project activity (Bachelor project) at the Ecole Centrale Pékin (China), a French-Sino institution at the BeiHang University from November 2008. From 15 May 2012 she is Dean of Studies at Ecole Centrale Pékin. Anne Spasojević-de Biré was formerly the President of the teachers association of the Ecole Centrale Paris. She is an elective member of the board of ECP, and a regular member of the ECPk board. She was named “Chevalier” of “Palmes Académiques” in September 2009.