Prof. Gillian Murray

Professor Gillian Murray joined Heriot-Watt University in October 2016 to lead on the development and implementation of the University’s Business & Enterprise Strategy; a new senior executive role focused on knowledge exchange.  As a member of the University Executive, she co-leads the development of the institutional Excelling in Research and Enterprise Strategy and is sponsor for a number of major strategic initiatives.  Gillian is passionate about driving global economic transformation through innovation and skills development.

Gillian has been instrumental in numerous of programmes and initiatives focused on place-based knowledge exchange at scale, securing tens of millions of pounds of grants and investment but more importantly shaping local innovation landscapes and driving growth.  Recently this has involved strategic leadership of the University’s involvement in the £330M Islands Growth Deal.  This includes securing two exciting HWU Enterprise and KE projects, Talented and the Islands Centre for Net Zero (ICNZ).  This place-based Knowledge Exchange support will have a transformational impact on the Islands.

Gillian is also passionate about the role that talent and skills can play in creating a holistic approach to knowledge exchange and has led the development of University’s lifelong learning support to students in work or unable to attend conventional campus-based education.  This has included establishing Graduate Apprentices and growing flexible Online Education at scale.

Gillian has been active in policy development and establishing best practice at a national level, supporting the Scottish Economy when serving on Scotland’s Enterprise and Skills Board and also shaping the UK standards for knowledge exchange through a role on the KEF Concordat strategic panel, the principles of which have now been signed up to by over 120 Universities.  Other Board roles include membership of the CBI Council for Scotland, a member of the LCR Innovation Board and a member of Scottish Enterprise Board.
